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Helmet Policy
Please ensure you review the helmet policies for your program, found in our Equipment Checklist. Hemlets are mandatory for all skaters in all of our programs except the Figure Skating program.
What kinds of helmets are acceptable?
The CCA Figure Skating Club accepts only hockey and ski helmets. Bicycle, skateboard, or other helmets are not permitted.
Are face cages/shields required?
Face cages and/or shields are only mandatory in our Pre-School program. In other programs, they may be used at your discretion. Face cages and shields are not permitted in the Figure Skating program.
How should the helmet fit?
A helmet should fit snug to prevent any shifting and maximize protection. Make sure the chinstrap can be adjusted so it gently makes contact under the chin when fastened. For an adjustable helmet, open it to the largest setting and gradually begin to downsize the
helmet until a comfortably snug fit is achieved. The helmet should rest on the head so that the rim is one finger width above the eyebrow and making contact with the top of your head.
Are used helmets acceptable?
Helmets must not be used if previously subjected to a major impact or if older than five years or if showing visible signs of damage or if parts are missing. Hockey helmets must have labeling with the date of manufacture and have a chin strap. It is important that the helmet fit properly in order to ensure proper protection.
Can I sign a waiver and allow my child to participate without a helmet?
No. The requirement to wear a helmet is a CCA Figure Skating Club and Flames Community Arena policy. In order to participate in our programs, all skaters who have not achieved at least a level 6 badge and advanced to the Figure Skating program or who lack good balance and control must wear a helmet while on the ice.
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